Yvonne Nelson

Actress Yvonne Nelson says she is looking forward to the day when Ghanaians would refuse to partake in presidential elections to send a message to politicians.

In a series of tweets on the popular micro-blogging platform, Twitter, on Thursday, April 18, 2018, the actress said she was disappointed by the fact that the country had not seen any significant development since Ghana became free from colonial rule in 1957.

“I am waiting for the day no one goes out to vote just to send a strong message across, because it’s been the same from 1957 to me.

“Cape Coast, Takoradi, Accra High Street look [the] same and even worse in some places. [I] don’t think seeing a KFC is development,” she tweeted.

She confessed that she gets sad whenever she visits the tourist hubs in Cape Coast in the Central region.

“As for Cape Coast, my heart breaks when I go there, the capital of the Gold Coast where tourists troop to, we should be ashamed,” she said.

Ms Nelson said the government should rather use funds spent on celebrating Ghana’s Independence Day annually, on developmental projects.

“We need to stop spending so much money on these celebrations, they are pointless, the money can be used for development,” she said.

Read her tweets below:

Source: Ghana | Adomonline.com

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