Urban flooding is just not flooding that happens at an urban area. This just doesn’t happen when a river overflows it’s bank.

Instead it’s caused excessive runoff of water in developed areas where the water doesn’t have anywhere to go during a downpour.
  On Wednesday 15th Of May 2019 I found myself at the Kumasi Central Market during a heavy downpour and it was an eyesore, the water run into the stall and shops of people without any stress and was very very disheartening.

I stood for sometime and saw something. I realized the main cause of these Central market flooding  is mainly caused by:

1.Improper disposal of waste materials especially plastic after the market day.

2. Poor drainage facilities in and around the market, I got the chance to speak with an old trader and she told me that, the biggest drainage way was the “Subin” but it has now been covered by the Lancer Chemist building. These runoff water was heavily followed by plastics bottles.

3. We’re also the cause of this menace. Indiscipline in Kumasi is really and very rampant, everyone does what (s)he likes and law enforcement agencies are too lenient in enforcing the law on the refuse disposal.

 These runoffs causes a lot of mayhem on market woman, their goods are easily wiped away by these floods and also gets wet, they lose a lot of resources by that.

   Upon seeing this, I suggest there should be proper drainage systems in our markets, the government should enforce laws on the disposal of waste and how to recycle plastic, also there should be proper laws on the erecting of buildings.

  It’s my prayer these floods doesn’t happen again”which I know will happen anytime soon” Lol

Credit: Instagram: @nurse_realer
             Facebook: Osei Agyemang Rajon
             Twitter:      @nurse_realer

3 thoughts on “Article: Not Just an Urban Flood

  1. Nice Article my brother.. I think the ministry of sanitation should advice(teach) the citizens about waste management (different types) and enforce the proper laws concerning that..

  2. I think there is more to this flooding than just the plastics and improper siting of buildings….The kind of laws and sanctions should be clearly stated out otherwise it's going to be the same old story….great job but cab do better

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